GLWA Legal Action: Protecting Public Involvement in Wildlife Management

Contact Information: Melissa Smith Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance (GLWA) Email: Phone: 608-234-8860

Attorney Jessica L. Blome Greenfire Law, PC Phone: (510) 900-9502 Email:

Press Release: GLWA Champions Public Interest in Wildlife Management

Madison, Wisconsin – June 24, 2024 – The Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance (GLWA) has taken a definitive stand against the recent court ruling on Wisconsin’s wolf management plan. In a bold move, GLWA has filed an appeal to assert that wildlife management should reflect the collective interest of all citizens, not just a select few.

This legal action comes in the wake of the Dane County Circuit Court’s dismissal of GLWA’s lawsuit, which called into question the private discussions between Department of Natural Resources policy board members and certain interest groups after the public comment period had concluded. The lawsuit contended that these actions compromised the transparency and inclusivity of the decision-making process.

“GLWA’s appeal is grounded in the principle that wildlife is a shared resource, and every citizen has the legal right to challenge authorities on wildlife regulation decisions. This follows a ruling that denied GLWA legal standing to sue the agency. We firmly believe that wildlife, as an integral part of our natural heritage, must be managed in the public’s interest,” stated Jessica L. Blome, attorney for GLWA.

The court’s decision to dismiss the case before examining the evidence, based on the assertion that GLWA lacked legal standing, is a decision GLWA is vigorously contesting. The group maintains that the Public Trust Doctrine and due process rights grant the public a legitimate interest in the management of their natural resources, and GLWA is committed to ensuring that these legal principles are recognized and upheld.

“The health of our ecosystems is directly linked to the well-being of all species, including wolves,” said Melissa Smith, director of GLWA. “Our appeal is a call to action for a fair and transparent process that values scientific expertise and public concern, rather than one that is skewed towards a narrow set of interests that include dog fighting and an arsenal of unregulated cruelty

The appeal is a clarion call for accountability from Wisconsin wildlife officials and for the rightful inclusion of wolf researchers and advocates in policy discussions.

“Wolves  are held in public trust. This trust mandates that wildlife be managed by the government for the benefit of all citizens, now and for future generations. GLWA’s appeal is a bold affirmation of every citizen’s right to ensure this trust is upheld,” emphasized Smith .As key contributors to the stakeholder’s wolf committee that was tasked with drafting the plan, the Alliance’s involvement is critical.

For additional information about the Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance and their valiant efforts, please contact Melissa Smith.

About the Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance The Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance is a non-profit organization committed to the protection of wolves and other endangered species in the Great Lakes region. The Alliance is fervently committed to raising awareness and advocating for responsible wildlife management, partnering with individuals and organizations to catalyze profound change for wildlife and their staunch advocates.

GLWA’s appeal is a bold stand for the rights of all citizens to engage actively and decisively in the stewardship of our environment. It is an unwavering affirmation of the ecological importance of every species and the democratic principles that guide our community in shaping a sustainable future. The recent actions by the Department of Natural Resources policy board members, who collected comments from favored interest groups outside of the public comment period, underscore the urgency for vigilance and assertiveness in wildlife management practices. GLWA stands firm in its commitment to challenge any actions that may undermine the public’s trust and participation in these critical decisions. The Alliance will not shy away from the battle to protect the voiceless and ensure that wildlife remains a treasure for all citizens to protect and cherish.

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