Protect Wisconsin Wildlife: Oppose Damaging Bill Overrides Today! Wolf Kill Bill on Table

🚨🌲Action Alert: Stop the Harmful Wildlife Bill OverridesWisconsin! 🌲🚨

Attention, Wisconsin residents!

Your immediate action is needed to protect our state’s precious wildlife and natural resources. The Wisconsin Assembly is on the verge of overriding Governor Evers’s veto of several damaging wildlife bills, and we cannot let this happen!

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. AB34 (Proposal -0549): This bill aims to impose restrictions on baiting deer in counties based on chronic wasting disease or bovine tuberculosis, potentially disrupting the balance of our deer population and ecosystem.
  2. AB1030 (Proposal -5343): This bill concerns the regulation of deer hunting in the northern forest zone, with potential consequences for wildlife management and conservation efforts.
  3. SB312 (Proposal -2936): Despite the Governor’s objections, this bill passed, impacting programs and requirements to address perfluoroalkyl and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, which could have detrimental effects on our environment.
  4. SB316 (Proposal -0409): This bill failed to pass, but it’s indicative of ongoing attempts to undermine aquatic plant management plans and permit exemptions, risking the health of our waterways.
  5. AB957 (Proposal -1343): This bill deals with the preemption of specific local animal ordinances, potentially stripping local communities of their ability to enact wildlife protection measures. This bill was introduced by the houndsmen and terrible roadside zoos with a known history of trafficking
  6. SB139: This proposal relates to establishing a statewide wolf population goal, potentially endangering the future of these iconic animals.
  7. AB512 (Proposal -3839): This bill concerns hunting wild animals with the aid of a dog, dog training on wild animals, and dog trialing on wild animals in the northern portion of the state, potentially disrupting ecosystems and endangering wildlife.

Not a single Democrat voted for any of these overrides, highlighting the urgent need for us to unite and voice our opposition to these harmful measures.

Take Action Now!

☎️ Call and email your Wisconsin Assembly representatives TODAY. Urge them to vote NO on overriding Governor Evers’s veto of these damaging wildlife bills.

📞 Find your Assembly representative’s contact information here: Wisconsin Assembly Directory

📧 Send a clear message expressing your concerns about the negative impact of these bills on our wildlife, environment, and future generations.

🌟 Share this alert with friends, family, and fellow conservation advocates to amplify our collective voice and protect Wisconsin’s natural heritage.

Together, we can make a difference and safeguard our wildlife for generations to come. Act now before it’s too late! #ProtectWisconsinWildlife #NoToWildlifeBillOverrides

Thank you for standing up for our wildlife and environment! 🐾🌿

3 thoughts on “Protect Wisconsin Wildlife: Oppose Damaging Bill Overrides Today! Wolf Kill Bill on Table

  1. I was born and raised in Wisconsin, I currently live in Land O’Lakes. I am a strong supporter of wolves and keeping them protected. The last hunt was cruel and horrifying!!! Let’s keep these amazing apex predators protected. Our ecosystem needs them on every level, time to be smart and go back to being the environmental state we used to be!


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