We are in Washington: No Fireside Chat Tonight

Dear GLWA Advocates, Due to our critical meetings in Washington, D.C., with Senators and Congress members regarding wolf treatment, the national wolf plan, appropriations, and preparations for our upcoming annual meeting, there will be no fireside chat tonight. instead we will meet NEXT Tuesday July 2ndt 2024, for an incredible update and annual plan. We are … Continue reading We are in Washington: No Fireside Chat Tonight

GLWA Legal Action: Protecting Public Involvement in Wildlife Management

Contact Information: Melissa Smith Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance (GLWA) Email: Msmith@wiwolvesandwildlife.org Phone: 608-234-8860 Attorney Jessica L. Blome Greenfire Law, PC Phone: (510) 900-9502 Email: JBlome@greenfirelaw.com Press Release: GLWA Champions Public Interest in Wildlife Management Madison, Wisconsin – June 24, 2024 – The Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance (GLWA) has taken a definitive stand against the recent … Continue reading GLWA Legal Action: Protecting Public Involvement in Wildlife Management

Dont Forget! Get the Lead Out Tonight!

How does lead impact the future of Endangered Birds? Special Presentation: Join Us for the Lead Out Summer Series in JUNEDon't miss out on this exclusive event featured in our May newsletter and in the Crane Alert! Discover the incredible journey from condors in California to eagles in Wisconsin and learn why eliminating lead is … Continue reading Dont Forget! Get the Lead Out Tonight!

The Case for the Cranes: Why Wisconsin Should Say No to Hunting Sandhill Cranes

SIGN OUR LETTER Legislator-led committee to "study" sandhill crane management, including potential hunting season already lacks transparency and inclusivity The sandhill crane's comeback story is one for the books. From the brink of disappearance, they've soared back to healthy numbers, a true victory for wildlife conservation efforts. The people have spoken, and the message is … Continue reading The Case for the Cranes: Why Wisconsin Should Say No to Hunting Sandhill Cranes

Howling through Change is Tonight! May 24th at 6pm CST

https://youtu.be/BQX5VAH9h0o?si=x_lYSl04xerTByo4 Remember to register and secure your spot for this enriching experience. While we will be streaming live on both YouTube and TikTok, registering will ensure that you can fully participate and engage in the event. Furthermore, we will be incorporating short exercise breaks during the live stream. To join us, visit http://www.tiktok.com/madisonssweetheart and check … Continue reading Howling through Change is Tonight! May 24th at 6pm CST

Howling Through Change This Week!

Empowerment Program for Environmental Justice and Wildlife Advocates 'For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.'. Howling through Change is targeted to advocates working in wildlife conservation, habitat and environmental protection, climate recovery, biodiversity protection, social and environmental justice, and environmental education. his unique program aims to empower environmental justice and wildlife advocates by providing … Continue reading Howling Through Change This Week!

Protect Wisconsin Wildlife: Oppose Damaging Bill Overrides Today! Wolf Kill Bill on Table

🚨🌲Action Alert: Stop the Harmful Wildlife Bill OverridesWisconsin! 🌲🚨 Attention, Wisconsin residents! Your immediate action is needed to protect our state's precious wildlife and natural resources. The Wisconsin Assembly is on the verge of overriding Governor Evers's veto of several damaging wildlife bills, and we cannot let this happen! Here's what you need to know: … Continue reading Protect Wisconsin Wildlife: Oppose Damaging Bill Overrides Today! Wolf Kill Bill on Table

Wyoming Wolf, NEW Advocacy Program for you and Endangered Species Day: May Issue Highlights…

I have dedicated my life to protecting and advocating for the rights of our precious wildlife, as well as for you. This work is arduous, and I never want to belittle anyone for feeling that it is overwhelming. The recent news of the cruelty inflicted upon a beautiful young wolf in Wyoming a few weeks … Continue reading Wyoming Wolf, NEW Advocacy Program for you and Endangered Species Day: May Issue Highlights…

2022 Endangered Species Day Celebration!

In place this week's regularly scheduled Fireside Chat, we hope you can join us tomorrow evening @ 7PM CST for the annual celebration of our nation's wildlife and wild places!

You’re Invited: Fireside PARTY Tonight!

From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank each and everyone one of you for your advocacy and support throughout this entire battle. The fight for wolves is far from over, but tonight....WE CELEBRATE. Please join us!