Letter to Secretary Haaland: Protect Wisconsin Lake Sturgeon

The Lake Sturgeon population in Wisconsin is on the brink of extinction, and it is crucial to consider designating them as a Distinct Population Segment and granting them federal protection through the Endangered Species Act. Without such protection, the survival of the Sturgeon population could be at even greater risk from pollution, invasive species, and climate change.

Letter | DNR not above board on wolf hunts

It is concerning that so many individuals have placed blind trust in the very agency that continues to ignore peer-reviewed science and dismiss citizens that dare to question their dubious metrics and propaganda. The same agency that held closed-door meetings with anti-wolf organizations and individuals long after the public comment period ended, while subsequently changing the plan to reflect those meetings.

A Clash of Values: Exploring the Perspective of Environmentalists vs. Hunters

Wolves, bears and mountain lions have an irreplaceable and complex role in our world. What is distressing to me, is that these species are all quickly losing ground, and when they finally receive the step up they deserve from us, the fringe groups are just waiting for the next opportunity to push them back to the brink of extinction. 

Wisconsin’s new wolf “management” plan leaves wolves imperiled

Wolf recovery is incomplete and unlikely under this new plan. Wisconsin legally mandates a wolf hunt once wolves are delisted but other states do not. Continued oversight by the federal government, including Endangered Species protection is needed in order for Wisconsin to have a healthy wolf population.

Today, Wisconsin Unleashed the Hounds

The unregulated harassment and torture of Wisconsin wildlife has officially begun. Over 4th of July weekend, more than 15,000 bear hounds will be set loose on public lands across Wisconsin to harass wildlife and disturb the peace of our natural areas.

Reblog: State Sanctioned Disposable Dogs

This is a real look at what is happening to our wildlife in Wisconsin. A very small percentage of hunters engage in this practice, yet they have huge political influence in Wisconsin. We appreciate Silent Sports Magazine for doing such a deep dive into this issue, are are encouraging everyone to share this article with your state legislators, urging them to get behind ending this barbaric practice once and for all.

What Just Happened to Wisconsin’s Grey Wolves?

In less than 72 hours, the state of Wisconsin allowed 216 wolves to be legally killed statewide, during the day or night using dogs, snares, traps, guns, night vision technology, and even running them down to exhaustion with snowmobiles. This hunt was detrimental to our wolf population and they cannot withstand another hunt this fall.

REBLOG: Wisconsin to Slaughter Hundreds of Wolves in Just Six Days

If any more evidence was needed about what an absolutely cruel and vile state Wisconsin is, look no farther than the events of the past five days regarding our gray wolf population. Here is a quick summary of what happened.

How to REALLY Connect with Your Elected Officials + A Sample Letter to Senator Tammy Baldwin

When speaking with a staffer at the Wisconsin State Capitol last March, I asked how I could assure that my elected official would truly hear and consider my thoughts on wildlife conservation issues. He answered as if he was letting me in on a little secret...