Letter | DNR not above board on wolf hunts

It is concerning that so many individuals have placed blind trust in the very agency that continues to ignore peer-reviewed science and dismiss citizens that dare to question their dubious metrics and propaganda. The same agency that held closed-door meetings with anti-wolf organizations and individuals long after the public comment period ended, while subsequently changing the plan to reflect those meetings.

Press Release: Petition Seeks Hounding Ban in Wisconsin National Forest

Wildlife conservation and animal protection groups petitioned the U.S. Forest Service today to ban hounding in Wisconsin’s Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. Hounding is the practice of training and using dogs to hunt and chase down black bears and other wildlife.

Fireside Chat Revisited: Poaching Issues When Wolves are Protected

At our Fireside Chat on Thursday, February 10th, Special Guest Francisco J. Santiago-Ávila PhD joined us to talk about his work with carnivore protection in the Midwest, and what happens with Wisconsin wolves both when they are protected and what happens when they lose protection.


In the biggest news so far for wolf protection in the United States in 2021, a court in Wisconsin issued an injunction today requiring the Wisconsin DNR to set the quota at zero wolves for the upcoming wolf trophy hunt scheduled to start November 6th. The decision could spare hundreds of wolves targeted for killing.

ACTION ALERT: Help Us Save Wisconsin Wolves TODAY

wolves, great lakes, Wyoming, endangered species act, delisting,

Many of you have contacted us expressing interest in getting more involved with our effort to STOP the mandatory state-sanctioned wolf hunt scheduled to happen in Wisconsin later this fall...you asked, and we heard you loud and clear! So, here are three things you can do to help save Wisconsin wolves TODAY.

ACTION ALERT: Wolf Harvest Committee Meeting Comments Due by June 18th!

Your written comments to the Wolf Harvest Committee must be submitted by noon on Friday, June 18th. This committee will decide a quota for the fall hunt to be presented to the Natural Resources Board in August. 

Wisconsin Wolf Management Public Input Questionnaire Guide

Friends, here is your opportunity to not only stop the fall wolf hunt, but to weigh in on the future of wolf management in Wisconsin. This is a critical action, and probably the most important thing you will do in advocating for wolves in 2021. Please use this guide we have put together to help you navigate the survey as you fill it out.


Friends, it's time to vote from home on the DNR's Annual Wisconsin Conservation Congress Survey! Voting starts at 7:00 PM on MONDAY 4/12 and ends THURSDAY 4/15 at 7:00 PM. PLEASE vote and encourage your family and friends to as well. It only takes a few minutes!

April is for ADVOCACY !

April is an important advocacy month for the future of our wildlife and we have much to accomplish together. As requested, here is a breakdown for the month of April with detailed instructions and deadlines for participation.